tirsdag 24. september 2013

Install SUDO on Solaris and setup for the EM 12c agent deployment

Install SUDO on Solaris and setup for the EM 12c agent deployment

When you try to add a new host to be monitored in Oracle EM Cloud Control the very first thing you are getting is the error about oracle is not in sudoers file. Well, in order to solve this we must install SUDO on Solaris and add the oracle user to sudoers file on the target sever.

First, install SUDO:

SUDO demands some libraries to be installer before: 

and libintl-3.4.0-sol10-x86-local.gz

As root, download those files and install them with pkgadd –d command.

Last, but not least, download and install SUDO:


Usually, SUDO is located under /usr/local/… so we need to link the important files to /usr/… :

ln -s /usr/local/bin/sudo /bin/sudo
ln -s /usr/local/etc/sudoers /etc/sudoers
ln -s /usr/local/bin/sudoedit /bin/sudoedit

Now, edit /etc/sudoers file and do the following changes (marked as red):

## User privilege specification
root ALL=(ALL) ALL
oracle ALL=(ALL) ALL
Defaults visiblepw

Explanation for the last entry is that sudo cannot run if the user must enter a password but it is not possible to disable echo on the terminal. When visiblepw set, sudo will prompt for a password even when it would be visible on the screen. This makes it possible to run things like “ssh somehost sudo ls” since by default, ssh(1) does not allocate a tty when running a command.  This is the last demand from Agent deployment process.
After this, you may successfully deploy EM Cloud Control 12c agent to the target Solaris host:

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