tirsdag 24. september 2013

ORACLE EM Cloud Control 12c (64bit) on Solaris (64bit)

ORACLE EM Cloud Control 12c (64bit) on Solaris (64bit)

Now that we have Solaris ready and ORACLE database on it up and running, we will go further and install brand new Oracle EM Cloud Control 12c in order to monitor the test environment.  Base OS should be Solaris 64bit, with 60Gb hard disc and 8GB RAM, 9GB swap space. Also, in the test environment, you should have one DNS server.  If you experience the problems with SWAP space, use the guide I have made in the blog before.

I assume that you have ORACLE 11gR2 database 64bit ( up and running on the Solaris server on which we will install EM Cloud Control 12c. You can use the guide I’ve made before on this blog.

Now, we are doing installation of brand new Enterprise Manager on the server which already have one from the database installation so we can say good-bye to it:

Login to the server as oracle user and issue the following command:

$ emca -deconfig dbcontrol db -repos drop

You must provide ORACLE SID of the already installed database, listening port and  passwords for the SYS users. This process takes about a minute.
Next, you must do some changes in the existing database which aims SPFILE’s variables: peocesses, session_cached_cursors and job_queue_processes. But,  that’s not all the changes you need to do, you’ll need to do some more after installation… In order to change the value for those 3 variables we will use SQLPLUS so issue the followind again as oracle user:

$ sqlplus “/as sysdba”

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Mon Sep 23 07:41:17 2013
Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
Connected to:
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

Issue the following:


SQL> ALTER SYSTEM SET session_cached_cursors=200 SCOPE=SPFILE;

SQL> ALTER SYSTEM SET job_queue_processes=20 SCOPE=SPFILE;

In order to changes we’ve made affect the database we must restart the database:




Hopefully, if everything by now went OK, then you are free to start the installation of EM Cloud Control 12c.
Extract all 3 archives to one folder and copy it to the /export/oracle/home/
Now, usually you will start with ./runInstaller in order to begin with the installation. Here a had an “cannot execute” issue. After a while I figure it out that I have problem with the permissions with the installation files. Solution was that every file and folder in the installation folder got 755 permission code. That did the trick for me.

Now you can issue the “./runInstaller” command and wait for the initial screen:

Since this guide is just for test purpose, unchecks the security updates ckeckbox end click “Next”. Program will warn you that you did not write the email address but that’s ok, just click “Yes”.

Again, we are doing some testing so choose the “Skip” radio buton and click “Next”

Check that the Operating System Group is “oinstall” and that inventory location is like on the picture.

 Now, prerequisite check, ignore the warning that I got, it have something with the server name and the domain.


Click “Yes”

Here, choose the “Create a new EMS”, “Advanced” and make a new directory with the name “middleware” and make sure that the full path to it lies on the “Middleware Home Location” box.

First four plugins are default and it should be installed. Mark the Oracle Fusion Applications and Exalogic Elastic Cloud Infrastructure and click “Next”.

Make a new Weblogic and NodeManager passwords and click “Next”.

Provide IP or full DNS name of the server where database is running, port, SID and SYS password and click “Next”.

Click “Yes”, installer will disable the mentioned job.

Also, installer will check the database configuration and display some recommendations. You can do it later so click “Ok”.

Make a new sysman and registration passwords and click “Next”.

You should write down or take a screenshot of this picture and click “Next”.

Also, review the installation and click ”Install”. That’s it. At the installation finish, you’ll have to run script as root user and everything is done.

One more thing about this installation, Oracle database NLS or regional setting MUST be the same as Solaris regional settings. Otherwise you’ll get the error during installation with the message “Locale not found” as I got first time.

Next, in order to control the EMCC after the installation, you need to update your “.profile” file for the “oracle” user. File is located in /export/home/oracle/ folder and needs to be changed (here is mine from the previous ORACLE database installation and the corrections which were made in red):

# Oracle Settings
TMP=/tmp; export TMP

# Select the appropriate ORACLE_BASE
ORACLE_BASE=/export/home/oracle/u01/app/oracle; export ORACLE_BASE
ORACLE_SID=oragrid; export ORACLE_SID
OMS_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/middleware/oms; export OMS_HOME
AGENT_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/middleware/agent/core/; export AGENT_HOME

That’s it, weblogic admin console is located at address:, username weblogic.

EMCC web console is located at: , username sysman.

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